Jim Troth is an entrepreneur living in McArthur, Ohio, SE of Columbus, Ohio. He has built his home inspection company to a multi-inspector company with systems that are fast, easy and time efficient for his office, buyers and real estate agents. Habitation Investigation serves clients and customers in Columbus and all of Central Ohio including the Dayton and Cincinnati areas.

Heartland Commercial Building Inspections is a commercial building inspection company serving Ohio and nearby states.

He has been involved in a Mastermind program teaching small business owners and each other how to effectively market their products and services.

He has always been involved in physical exercise and pushing himself. In High school he was most valuable in Cross Country and Best Distance runner in track. After college he got involved in martial arts such as Tae Kwon Do and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (BJJ). He finished first place in 2 national championships for BJJ in 1999 and 2000. He has trained others towards having winning records and some have gone on to win worlds and Pan Ams in BJJ. He has completed Spartan Races and has done so with his daughters as well, encouraging them to become as great as they can and desire to be.

Current side projects include Trothwood Forest which is a private campground with isolated campsites for people seeking nature and relaxation.  

Habitation Investigation

Habitation Investigation has grown from a single man operation to a multi-inspector home inspection company with the capacity and systems to help serve more home buyers and agents than most companies. Habitation Investigation is the best/most reviewed inspection company in Columbus and Central Ohio.


Troth Media

Standing Out In Ohio Podcast

This company was established due to the love and skills his oldest daughter has for writing. Troth media started being involved in writing articles and blog posts for companies and individuals. It now is involved in mastermind groups. Troth Media is a family owned business that is experienced enough and small enough to provide the needed attention you need to help you get the results your want.

The podcast features Professionals from around Ohio that somehow are involved in real estate or are helpful to real estate sales and transactions. Learn how to stand out from competition and gain market share. Conversations with professionals and entrepreneurs regarding what makes their companies and themselves stand out and gain competitive advantages. How does a successful person integrate work with family?

Troth Media Website

Standing Out in Ohio podcast page

Want to learn how to create a podcast


We support charities and community events. Feel good knowing that our associated businesses and you are helping to support charities. 

Charities that we have given to and recommend:

Vitamin Angels  

Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Wounded Warriors

Champaign County Animal Shelter


Participation in group discussion in mastermind meetings is the most powerful way to shorten learning curves, speed up improvement and improve oneself and their business.

The power comes not from any one person, it comes from the combination of the knowledge and experiences of those in the group.

Masterminds can take all sorts of forms and serve various communities.  From business start-up stages, management, relationships to masterminds that are so specialized that only a small percentage in the entire world are able to participate. 

We occasionally run mastermind meetings.

Visit site for Information